• How to Set Up an Inspiring Creative Space
  • How to Set Up an Inspiring Creative Space

     Inspiring Creative Space
    Inspiring Creative Space
    Inspiring Creative Space
    Inspiring Creative Space
    Inspiring Creative Space
    *Thank you to Desenio for sponsoring this post

    How to Set Up an Inspiring Creative Space

    I’ve been spending a lot of time at home lately, especially since making the move to blogging full-time. With that said, I find that I’m the most productive when my house is tidy and inspiring. I’ve been really picky about my decor items because I don’t want my house to get too cluttered. Because, let’s face it… as someone who gets frequent packages, my house can turn into a disaster zone really quick.
    I decided a few months ago that I needed an organized, inspiring creative space where I can get my work done while feeding into my creative energy. That’s where my revamped office/walk-in closet comes into play. This specific corner featured in this blog post is my main work area. It’s where I get ready by day and catch up on emails by night. It’s where I take conference calls, sift through photos, and have brainstorm meetings with James. I definitely spend one too many late nights here… especially during the holiday season, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
    Being that I spend so much time here, I knew I needed to spruce it up to help keep me inspired throughout the day. I picked out a couple of posters from Desenio that really move and inspire me to help with my productivity and creativity. For reference, the posters that I picked are: Kate Moss, Life Is A Joke and Hide.
    What is it that inspires you? Check out their selection at desenio.com and use the code “hellodarling” to get 25% off their posters for your own inspiring creative space between November 28th – November 30th. *Except for handpicked-/collaboration posters and frames.

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