• Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household
  • Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household

    Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household
    Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household
    Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household
    Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household
    Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household

    Why We Use Pet CBD in Our Household

    *This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx on behalf of Lazarus Naturals.

    We’re really big on CBD in our household & Kyra is no exception. We love to keep pet CBD on-hand for stressful occasions like the 4th of July & New Year’s when she gets a little anxious around fireworks, or if she ever flies with us.

    Another reason we like to keep it on hand is that it helps with her appetite. She’s extremely picky when it comes to food, so giving her a CBD treat helps when she doesn’t feel like eating.

    After trying out many different brands and formulas, we’ve been really loving Lazarus Naturals. Here’s our favorite products:

    Dog Treats Vitality: Their Calm + Vitality dog treats are great for the pets that love to get up and go, but also need to relax and unwind during car rides, etc. They contain Full Spectrum CBD, organic sweet potato, Shiitake, Reishi, Lion’s Mane mushrooms and curcumin for inflammation and joint support.

    You can find it here!

    Wild Salmon Flavored Calming Pet CBD Oil Tincture: This tincture features both the Full Spectrum CBD, as well as a fish oil formulation loaded with Omega-3’s. Wild Salmon Oil supports the immune system, the heart and a healthy skin and coat. The amount of CBD is lower than the high potency tinctures to help accommodate to your pet’s specific needs.

    You can find it here!

    Sensitive Pet CBD Oil Tincture: This tincture features their THC-Free formula. This is perfect for the pets that are more picky in their tastes. This is specifically formulated for pets like cats, rabbits or smaller breeds of dogs.

    You can find it here!

    Calming CBD Oil Pet Tincture: This tincture allows our pets to enjoy the same benefits of Full Spectrum CBD than we do. The amount of CBD in this product is lower than standard tinctures to better accommodate to specific needs of your pet.

    You can find this product here!

    Lazarus Naturals is kind enough to be giving away some of their best-selling products! Make sure to enter here: Lazarus Naturals Giveaway

    As always, thanks so much for reading! Let me know if you’ve tried pet CBD in the comments below! 




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